Numbas as an engagement tool for first-year business studies students

13 Sep 2016

Numbas as an engagement tool for first-year business studies students

We have used Numbas as a tutorial and assessment tool for First Year Business Studies students in Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland for two years or in academic terms four semesters. Our main motivation in introducing Numbas for this course was to increase attendance and engagement at tutorials but also to make regular assessments with feedback a practical possibility for large groups. In this talk we would like not only like to discuss student experience with Numbas but also lecturer and tutor experience. We have surveyed students, tutors and lecturers as well as conducting video interviews. Finally, I would like to discuss some of the behind the scenes work necessary to implementing Numbas in Cork.


A paper following this talk appeared in the EAMS 2016 special issue of MSOR Connections.