A shared research agenda for computer-aided assessment of university mathematics

Over the past year we have worked with colleagues from around the world to develop a shared research agenda for computer-aided assessment of university mathematics. To do this, we followed a methodology (adapted from Alcock et al., 2016) in which mathematics education researchers, assessment developers and university teachers convened in a series of meetings. In the meetings, colleagues worked together to identify and iteratively refine those research questions that need to be addressed in order to advance the field of computer-aided assessment of university mathematics. The outcome was a list of 55 research questions across a range of topics. In this talk we will summarise the methodology used and present our synthesis of the questions into 5 broad themes.

Alcock, L. et al. (2016). Challenges in mathematical cognition: A collaboratively-derived research agenda. Journal of Numerical Cognition, 2(1), 20. https://doi.org/10.5964/jnc.v2i1.10
